Not me, sorry to anyone that does, but hey we are half way through this one so take a deep breath think about what your going to do when you get home and start looking forward to it, and before you know your there. As for this past weekend, it was a great one. I had my best audition to date, and it was a great feeling of success. I have landed roles and done some strong work modeling, but this was my best accomplishment to date bar none for what it meant to me. I battled with keeping this information private and holding that energy in for myself, but then thought, if only one other actor follows this blog it would be worth sharing it if only to help that one person. Auditioning is regarded by some of the most accomplished right on down to the beginning actors as one of if not the hardest part of the profession. Its pretty simple to understand, think about it. Who likes going on interviews? Not most, because if your interviewing your almost always in a position where you NEED a job! Thats what auditioning is likened to. (likened is apparently my word of the day as I think that makes the 4th or 5th time I have used it in the past hour) Anyway, auditioning...picture this going on 3-if your lucky 7 auditions a day or 2-7 "interviews" a day! Sound like fun? Probably not, but as cliche as it may be, thinking of it as fun just might make the difference between a callback "2nd interview" and never hearing back at all. The opportunity to do what you love, in any forum or industry is what makes all the difference in the world. So, until your a household name, AUDITIONING is a part of your it or hate it, that part is up to us!
have a great day and week everyone! Until next time...
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